
Help for female workers

THE Sunday Morning Post contacted some of the territory's largest companies on the issue of sexual harassment guidelines or policy: Hongkong Bank: No set policy or guidelines. The bank has a general grievance policy: an employee complaint would be directed to supervisors or the human resources department. There is a hotline for information on how to proceed.

A spokesman said: 'We have had few complaints, mostly in the past year or two.' No figures were produced.

Hongkong Bank employs 13,500 staff, of which 62 per cent are women.

Hongkong Telecom: 'We have no written policy, but we are reviewing the issue,' a spokesman said.

'Our understanding is that there are few cases. If we have any, it would only be one or two.' There are 14,800 employees, and 27.5 per cent are female. 'For equal opportunities, we don't have a specific policy. We have a code of conduct for staff, which we are reviewing. We are renaming it 'Guidelines for Ethical Conduct and Business Behaviour'.

Hongkong Electric: 'We have not received any complaints and never an official one,' a spokesman said.

Of their 2,400 staff, 300 are female.

'We don't have it written down as a policy. We have no problem with that because there have never been any complaints.

'We don't have any written-down guidelines distributed to staff.' China, Light and Power: 'We have not received any complaints. But we have similar guidelines to the Hong Kong Government. We don't publicise the guidelines.' Of the 6,355 staff, 654 are female.
