
Pros and Cons of a Part-Time MBA Degree

Business school is a busy and stressful time for MBA students. Many are pressed for time during their studies, trying to squeeze in lectures, case studies, multiple readings, and usually while trying to balance their work, family, or social life. This has led many MBA students to pursue an MBA degree through a part time or evening program track. Before you decide if a part time MBA degree program is right for you, first consider both the advantages and disadvantages of a part-time degree. An MBA program is a big commitment of time and money, and students who enroll on a full time basis often have to leave their current jobs. Losing this income is not always an option for some students so the part time option offers a viable way to earn a degree without compromising their current job. There are other reasons that students opt for a part time degree versus full time too. Take a look at the pros and cons:


  1. Cost: Generally, part time MBA programs are less expensive than full time programs.
  2. Flexibility: A part time degree program typically have lighter course loads each semester, allowing students to work and pursue their degree simultaneously. Part time programs also offer flexibility in terms of schedule. Additionally, many part time MBA programs schedule courses all year long.
  3. Tuition Reimbursement: Several employers offer tuition reimbursement for employees actively pursuing higher education and a more advanced skill set. This also means a student requires fewer loans which offsets the cost of an MBA degree while working.
  4. Less Study: Several part time MBA programs require fewer course credits than full time programs, which helps students earn their degree faster.
  5. Family and Friends: Whether or not a student is working while attending a part time MBA program, those who attend part time often have more availability for family and friends. This keep students in healthy spirits and can help students successfully complete an MBA program.
  6. Application: Of course, one of the biggest advantages of pursuing an MBA degree through a part time degree program is that students can apply what is being taught while they learn it. This is a huge advantage for a student who is currently working.


  1. Time: Part time degree programs require fewer class hours each week, but can sometimes take twice as long to complete as a full time program.
  2. Non-Transferable: Credits earned through a part time MBA program are not always transferable.
  3. Smaller Selection: Not all business schools offer part time MBA programs so students will often have a smaller set of school options to choose from.
  4. Time: Although part time programs are flexible, adding even a part time school load to a full time work schedule can be exhausting.
  5. Missed Networking Opportunities: Part time students will not have the same networking opportunities as full time students, who are more likely to be surrounded by peers pursuing MBA degrees. This can be especially detrimental when it comes time to find a job and personal recommendations are needed.
  6. Managing Multiple Responsibilities: Part time students need to juggle multiple responsibilities which include school, full time work, family, and other commitments.
After reviewing some pros and cons of a part-time MBA degree, it becomes clear that while a part-time MBA program is a great option for some students, it is not necessarily the case for others. Prospective MBA students need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of a part time degree program before making their choice. Regardless of which program a student takes, it’s crucial that a full commitment is made to seeing the MBA program through.

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