
Backing for school bonuses scheme

Anthony Woo

Educators have cautiously backed an Education Commission proposal that would award cash bonuses to schools which show an improvement in the quality of education they provide.

Tsui Hon-kwong of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union backed the recommendation, but said low-achieving pupils, and the schools that accepted them, should not be penalised.

'The scheme should not disadvantage schools that take in disadvantaged students,' he said, emphasising non-academic school performance, such as outdoor activities or ethics, should be considered.

'This scheme may help re-define what is meant by a good school. Many schools concentrate on admitting the best students rather than on the measures employed in teaching students, which is anti-education,' Mr Tsui said.

Lee Siu-tin of the Subsidised Primary Schools Council said overall educational efficiency and quality could be improved.

'There is a lack of challenge and competition in education presently,' he said.

'Resources are wasted - those who do more and those who do less are receiving equal gratuity. The bonus could stimulate the system.' The vice-chairman of the Education Convergency, Choi Kwok-kwong, praised the plan.

'In terms of professional development we accept this concept,' he said.

The revolutionary proposal will be put forward in the Education Commission's Report No 7, to be released on Tuesday.
