
Pick up new words so you can say it well in English

Vivian Wong

The English standard of most Hong Kong students is not very high. We all find learning English quite difficult.

I am a Form Three student who gets good marks in most subjects except English.

Unfortunately, in the past year I have made little improvement.

If we want to be good in English, we must work on our writing, listening, oral and reading skills.

You must work especially hard on your grammar and vocabulary. Learning more words is important. Sometimes we find it hard to express our feelings because we do not know enough words, have a wide enough vocabulary.

The only really good way to improve your grammar, and learn more words, is to read more, listen more and practise more.

Of course, this takes time and perseverance. Hong Kong students are under a lot of pressure. But we must try our best.

Vivian is a student at Carmel Secondary School
