
Computers up job prospects

Computer Studies graduates have less trouble finding a job than students of other subjects, according to the latest survey by Hong Kong Baptist University (BaptistU).

The latest figures show that 85 per cent of BaptistU's 1996 graduates had secured full-time employment within three months of graduating, an increase of three per cent over the 1995 figure. The university's Student Affairs Office produces the survey once a year.

Of last year's computing graduates, 96.5 per cent had found work within three months. The figure for PE graduates was 92.6 per cent. All but a few of 1,369 former students sent questionnaires, responded.

Most graduates joined commerce - 76.6 per cent, eight per cent more than in 1995. There was a drop of six per cent in the number going into teaching.

It accounted for 12 per cent of graduate jobs. Non-profit-making organisations employed 6.7 per cent of those surveyed and the civil service, 3.7 per cent.

The average monthly salary, excluding commission and allowance, received by the 1996 graduates was about $10,700, representing a drop of less than one per cent. Officials said the drop was probably because of the increased number engaged in industry and commerce and the fall in students joining the education sector.

'Initial monthly salary offered by commercial or industrial companies is usually lower than that of education institutions.

'Also, the survey doesn't account for commission and allowances earned by graduates engaged in the commercial or industrial sector,' a spokeswoman said.

New graduates recruited by the Government and education institutions had a more attractive initial salary - more than $14,300 - where graduates joining public utilities and commerce and industry received a basic monthly salary of about $13,000 and $9,500 respectively. But the majority of those received bonuses.

About 14 per cent of graduates got $16,000 or more a month, five per cent more than last year.

The highest monthly salary was earned by social work graduates, who were paid $17,000.
