
In the Stars

Aquarius You will focus on long-term career and domestic plans. Also, your stars suggest you emphasise flexibility, rather than over-reacting or making any quick decisions.

Pisces Once you find your feet in the New Year, you will be an unstoppable success! However, you are not the easy-going creature you are thought to be. You will give a verbal bashing if anyone tries to dominate you.

Aries You are excitable by nature and may respond emotionally to certain situations. Go out and enjoy some light-hearted moments. It will probably provide a welcome relief. Ignore people who should learn to say what they mean.

Taurus Feeling romantic? Whatever you win, lose or misplace, will be compensated for by what you discover. It could be a bargain. It might even be that someone's positive attitude fills you with confidence about the future.

Gemini You will understand the necessity of some long-term planning. Thoughts about your career and home life are set to spark off an interesting idea. Be optimistic.

Cancer Thinking about your future? You will soon find out that you have the ability to do something that will reward your efforts. You are dreaming about romance, so try to expand your social contacts.

Leo You can be the life and soul of the party, but don't you think it is someone else's turn to host the fun? Happily, this is an opportune phase in school and social spheres.

Virgo Money prospects are improving. Although you have been through a tense time, you have become more realistic about what you can and can't afford. The Leo Moon will give you plenty of energy.

Libra Good things are happening, mainly because Mars is in your own sign. So feel free to explore new ideas and plans. It also means that your continuing progress in your personal and career aims is about to demonstrate how lucky you can be.

Scorpio If you suspect that some people aren't being as open about their plans as you would wish, drop a hint that you would like to know where you stand. Faith can have quite a positive impact.

Sagittarius Try to accept one of your current doubts as a necessary balancing factor, warning you not to repeat a past mistake. Take things easy. Also, never assume that everyone who wishes to do you a favour has an ulterior motive.

Capricorn Whatever activity you are engaged in, the main thing is not to worry. Let things fall into place naturally.

BIRTHDAY LUCK: Try not to worry about what impression you make. If others can't accept you for what and who you are, then that's their problem. Also, don't wait too long for people to make up their minds.
