
Tackle problem at source

I REFER to the letters of Mr Gary Pope (South China Morning Post, April 26) and Mr Simon K. Chau (Post, April 23).

I can see no reference in Mr Chau's letter to Filipinos as being ''Filipino litterbugs'', nor can I understand why Mr Pope singles out Mr Chau for failing to make reference to the undoubted mess left on beaches and barbecue pits after weekends and generally in the territory.

Littering is a territory-wide problem.

It is a problem in Statue Square and it is a problem in Sai Kung.

Mr Chau's letter addressed the problem in Central as it was in reply to a letter concerned with the problem in Central.

If Mr Pope feels angered by the constant reference to the ''Filipino litterbugs'' then he should tackle the problem at the source, which is, the Filipinos themselves, otherwise he himself is displaying a blinkered attitude towards the ''Filipino litterbugs'' in Hongkong.

J. REEVES Mid-Levels MAY 1, is International Labour Day.

I am a domestic helper, and have now been working for three years for a Chinese family. I have had no problems, because all the members of the family are very good to me.

As a domestic helper, I would like to remind employers that the human rights of workers should be respected. This is especially important when considering foreign workers and also the poorer sections of society.

The worker's right to employment and a just salary must be safeguarded.

Employers should adhere to all the provisions of the labour laws and not exploit the vulnerability of workers in order to maximise profits.

