
Ten years ago

NEW YORK (August 1): THE United States will keep clamps on high technology exports to the East bloc despite political reforms in the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact countries, a senior US official said recently.

'There is a continuing need to deny Moscow technology which could enhance its military capacity or make it more expensive for us to maintain an advantage,' said Allan Wendt, Department of State senior representative for strategic technology policy.

Mr Wendt said NATO's trade watchdog, the Co-ordinating Committee for Multi-lateral Export Controls (COCOM), remained a vital link in the US security.

Earlier this month, the US Commerce Department lifted export restrictions on relatively powerful personal computers and Mr Wendt said all COCOM members approved a similar measure for computer exports at a meeting in Paris recently.

The measure, which affects International Business Machines' AT personal computers and compatible models, will come into affect in mid-August.
