
Cartoon condom in TV first

A cartoon condom made history by starring in the first advertisement about sex to air on state television.

Sunday's public-service announcement touting the use of condoms to prevent Aids was the first mainland-wide measure taken by the Government to tackle the disease.

The announcement appeared during a show called Chinese Population on China Central Television Channel One, the Beijing Youth Daily reported.

In the animated segment, a condom battled and chased away HIV - the virus that causes Aids - and other sexual diseases.

'Condoms, no troubles,' a catchy saying that rhymes in Putonghua, appeared at the end of the commercial.

The use of condoms as an effective method of birth control was also highlighted in the 42-second commercial. Near the end of the commercial, the words 'prevent unwanted pregnancy' were shown on the screen.

The announcement premiered at a time when the number of people with HIV is rising, especially those infected through sexual relations.

Figures recently released by the Ministry of Health show there are more than 400,000 people infected with HIV.

Sexual transmission is expected to soon become the leading cause of HIV infection.

At present, 70 per cent of HIV carriers are intravenous drug users.

A public education campaign on Aids prevention will be launched in Beijing tomorrow.
