

Like many others, I was saddened at the pictures of the vandalism in London during the anti-globalisation event, particularly by the graffiti on the Cenotaph and the appearance of one of the 20th century's greatest men, Winston Churchill, as a green-haired Mohican.

It seems ironic that it was the actions of these war dead and men such as Churchill, who in giving their lives and standing sometimes alone against the tyranny of amongst other things German Fascism and Japanese imperialism and their associated evils, that allows these people to even express their views let alone deface their memory.

No one has explained to me yet how Churchill and Britain's war dead ended up as a target of attack for an anti-capitalist or anti-globalisation march.

I think a history lesson would be an ideal lesson first and then maybe a trip to Tiananmen Square and let them try and deface the memorial to China's brave war dead or paint an orange wig on to a Mao statue.

If they ever saw the light of day again, they might be more respectful of the hard-won right to the freedom of speech that the people they want to attack earned for them.

