
Cyberman gets in for his chop

Bet you thought every niche market in cyber space had been cornered by now.

Wrong. A local genius just targeted a large and as-yet untapped strata of Hong Kong society.


We've got plenty of 'em, and Julius Moltgen reckons they'll all be needing e-mail addresses.

Mr Moltgen is the domain profiteer who owns And he just found the perfect cyber spot for local [email protected].

'Now in the cyberworld you don't need white gloves to show your affiliation,' the Net guru says.

'Get your branded e-mail address [email protected] - all on' The service is free.

Mind you, it's not like there's much choice.

What would Mr Moltgen do if they didn't pay up? PR brains in the clouds: Today's aviation quiz: What is the most 'hotly coveted piece of real estate on commercial airlines'? Is it: A) the first-class section; B) the cockpit; C) the door of the carry on luggage bin.

The answer is C.

At least, it is according to the PR bumf emanating from a company called Advent Advertising Corp.

One of the creative geniuses there just proclaimed it 'avant-garde' to plaster adverts across the outside of the luggage compartments.

'Professionalism and passenger comfort are of the utmost importance to us,' the firm's director of marketing said.

'What we offer is a revolutionary product that adds to the stylish, elegant interior design of today's aircraft.' There's a bunch of other stuff, but we won't bore you with all of it.

None of it quite explains how sticking ads around the cabin makes the plane more comfortable and elegant.

Given their psychological make-up, Lai See isn't surprised to find ad executives targeting those bins.

We may not know whether they've got a lot of baggage.

But they certainly do carry on.

Reinterpreting the law: Casino magnate Stanley Ho is launching a Web site offering legal advice on mainland law. It's called

Just make sure you don't pronounce that second i as 'ee'.

Charmed, I'm sure: Do you know what IFCWAP stands for? No? International Federation of Charming Worms and Allied Pastimes.

Seriously. The body just hosted its annual international competition in England. A father-and-daughter team 'covered themselves in glory by lifting the prestigious Golden Worm Trophy'.

They were able to beat 287 rivals by raising 290 worms with the help of the traditional 'twanging' method. That means putting a vibrating pitchfork into the ground until the creepie crawlies are 'charmed' to the surface.

Other methods include imitating the sound of water and playing Handel's Water Music.

Each competitor has three square metres of turf and just 30 minutes to charm as many worms out of the ground as possible.

'No artificial stimulants are allowed - such as water - but competitors are allowed to simulate the sound of rain to charm the worms up,' said rules committeeman Chris Bently.

They also conduct searches, looking for cheaters trying to 'plant' worms on the ground.

Wow. It seems worm charming is serious business.

And here was Lai See thinking it was just a technique for getting the saddos at the bar to pay for her drinks.

Graphic: whee27gbz
