

I wish to thank R. P. Martin, of the Civil Engineering Department, for his reply ( Sunday Morning Post, July 30) to my letter of July 9, on a slope work site on Mount Kellett Road.

Work does now seem to be proceeding on the slope in question, although I find it hard to believe that it will be completed by August 19.

I was very concerned to learn that yet more shotcrete is to be applied, even if it is only to the upper part of the slope.

I sincerely hope that this will not be too obvious from ground level.

I really question again the necessity of such extensive work on this particular rock cutting and I question the huge cost to the taxpayer of the current slope maintenance work going on throughout Hong Kong.

Can this really be justified in terms of the money being spent, the desecration of our slopes and the sheer inconvenience to the general public?


The Peak
