

I wholeheartedly endorse the sentiments expressed in Thomas Chow's letter headlined, 'Belt up' (Sunday Morning Post, November 19).

I have asked many taxi drivers, especially drivers of new taxis, why they have rear seat belts but no buckles to go with them.

The answer invariably would be that the Government does not require them to do so. Must it really take a piece of legislation to carry out what must be a sensible way of preventing injuries when there is an accident? And why are there different rules for private vehicles that require rear seat belts and passengers to buckle up? The driver of a taxi that I was travelling in a few weeks ago braked very suddenly. I sprained my wrist when I put my hand out to brace myself.

I am sure that had I been restrained by a seat belt, I would not have a sore wrist. Other accidents could be more serious, or even fatal. If the general mentality is that nothing will be done unless told to do so, isn't it time the Department of Transport did something about it?


Happy Valley
