
Give students more rounded education

A survey has shown that sex education in schools has been unsuccessful and teenagers' knowledge of the dangers of HIV is inadequate.

Compulsory education that lasts nine years in Hong Kong, should give schools enough time to ensure pupils have a good grounding in sex education.

However, this is not being done and students are not being taught about other everyday issues that will affect their lives.

Maybe teachers neglect these matters, because they think that as the students will not be tested on these subjects in their exams, they are less important. But, I believe that these practical issues which are neglected are more important than the academic knowledge gleaned from textbooks.

We often see from news reports, that employers are dissatisfied with the performance of university graduates.

These employers are not asking for much.

They expect certain things from these young people, such as politeness and punctuality.

These are qualities that pupils should learn the importance of while they are still in secondary schools.

Clearly, schools are misusing the resources at their disposal.

I think students have to be given a more rounded education to prepare them for our ever-changing, knowledge-based society.


