
Angered by queue-jumpers

ON July 7, I went to the post office in Chi Fu Gardens in order to buy a first day cover. I knew there would be a long queue, so I got there one hour before the post office opened and there were already several hundred people waiting.

However in the queue, I noticed a number of magazines which had been placed outside the post office.

At 9.28 am, there was a flock of people and the first things these people did was to take these magazines and newspapers and replace them in the queue. So although they were late arrivals, they were at the front of the queue.

If you want something and there is a queue for it, then you stand in line.

Therefore, I find it intolerable that this sort of behaviour was allowed. It was so unfair to those who had patiently waited their turn. I hope the relevant authority will do something to prevent this happening again.

