

The letter from W. H. Luk of the Highways Department, on November 23 about illegal parking on Kennedy Road, reminded me of the complaints I made regarding illegal parking at Macdonnell Road, especially the area just behind the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

A lot of private cars are parked there during office hours, in particular, over lunchtime when the drivers drop their bosses in Central and Admiralty for lunch and they just sleep there after they have finished eating their lunch boxes. Summer is worse because they basically keep the engine on so that they can sleep with air-conditioning after throwing the empty lunch boxes on to the pavement.

Over the weekends, the tourist buses will be there.

Being a resident of Macdonnell Road, I always like to walk down to Kennedy Road where I can turn into Hong Kong Park.

With the cars parked there, there is practically no space for pedestrians on the pavement and so they have to walk on the road with vehicles coming from behind you, which is extremely dangerous.

I called the Transport Department to complain only to be informed that it was not its responsibility and that I should inform the police. I did so and was informed they did not have the manpower to deal with the problem.

Why can't the police just assign a motorcycle policeman to ride round the area and fine those motorists who are illegally parked.

I am sure the revenue earned with the fines would be sufficient to cover the salary of a police officer.


