
Counter attack

Tom Hilditch

The fashion editor of London's Sunday Times, Lisa Armstrong, needn't have worried. Racing to Chek Lap Kok's lost-property department, uppermost in her mind was how to describe the extremely exclusive handbag she had just mislaid.

She had visions of long questionnaires detailing its size, shape, colour and weight but still the drone behind the counter would have no idea what it actually looked like.

But this is Hong Kong, not London.

Fashion Ed (arriving at the counter): 'Excuse me dear, I've lost a very expensive handbag.'

Drone: 'What brand?'

Ed: 'You won't have heard of it.'

Drone: 'Try me.'

Ed: 'Anya Hindmarch.'

Drone: 'The new one or the old one?'

Ed: 'Er, new one.'

Drone: 'Got it right here.'
