
Jocelyn's summertime blues

N O one will be more relieved that the holiday season is grinding to a close than Australian Consul-General Dr Jocelyn Chey.

The kindly Dr Chey allowed all her staff with young families to take their summer hols while she stayed at her desk plodding through the paperwork.

But as Dr Chey, who never leaves her Deep Water Bay home these days without her Sydney 2000 pin, explained: ''I keep scribbling messages on various documents and passing them on, only to realise that there is no one around to carry out my instructions. So I've had to do most of it myself.'' Surely that doesn't including fetching your own coffee, Dr Chey? N O one will be more relieved that the holiday season is grinding to a close than Australian Consul-General Dr Jocelyn Chey.
