
Mum to the rescue

Dino Mahoney

Tonight's Songbirds drama episode on RTHK Radio 4 is the second in a nine-part serial called The Joker. Roco is the joker - he just can't stop telling jokes and playing practical jokes on his sister Cindy and on some of his teachers.

In last week's episode, a terrified Cindy found a spider in her bed. Roco helped her get rid of it and she was very grateful.

Tonight's episode begins with their mother coming home in the morning after working all night in the hospital.

Below is the opening scene of the Songbirds episode you can hear tonight on RTHK Radio 4 (FM 97.6) at 9.30pm.

The Joker, Part 2, Opening Scene

Mother: Cindy wake up dear ... it's time for school.

Cindy: (Yawns)

Mother: I hope you didn't sit up late watching TV.

Cindy: (Sleepy voice) I finished my homework.

Mother: What time did you go to bed?

Cindy: About one, I suppose.

Mother: That's too late Cindy ... a girl your age should have at least eight hours sleep a night.

Cindy: I had to finish it.

Mother: What about your brother? What time did he go to bed?

Cindy: Same time I guess. Not sure.

Mother: Did he behave himself?

Cindy: I guess so ... He helped me get rid of a spider.

Mother: A spider? What spider?

Cindy: A huge one with thousands of legs sticking out everywhere ... it was hiding under my bed sheets ... it was horrible, I nearly died.

Mother: I see. And are you sure it was a REAL spider Cindy?

Cindy: Oh yes, it was real all right.

Mother: How do you know?

Cindy: Well ... I pulled back the bed sheets and there it was! Huge!

Mother: Did it move?

Cindy: Yes, and so did I ... I ran into the corner of the room and put my hands over my eyes and screamed.

Mother: I don't suppose it looked anything like this, did it? (She produces Roco's toy spider).

Cindy: (Screams)

Mother: Cindy please ... there's no need to be afraid of spiders ... spiders are our friends ... they eat flies and help to keep our environment clean.

Cindy: Take it away!

Mother: Cindy there's no need to hide under the bed clothes ... this spider isn't going to hurt you ... or anyone or anything else for that matter ... I can honestly say that this spider wouldn't even hurt a fly and do you know why? (Silence) Mmm, Cindy? ... do you want to know why this spider wouldn't even hurt a fly?

Cindy: Please Mummy, get rid of it! I can't stand them!

Mother: My dear Cindy this spider couldn't hurt a fly because, you see, it's made of plastic.

Cindy: (Pause) Plastic?

Mother: Yes, it's a replica spider ... something you buy in a toy shop ... or a joke shop.

Cindy: A joke shop?

Mother: Yes. See. No need to be afraid. It's just a toy. Here. Hold it.

Cindy: Ughhh, no way!

Mother: Don't be a baby Cindy, it's plastic, that's all. Here, hold it.

Cindy: I don't want to.

Mother: Come on ... try ... it will help you to confront your fears and perhaps ... overcome them.

Cindy: Do I have to?

Mother: Look, I am ... so why shouldn't you?

Cindy: (Little scream as she holds it.) Where did you find it?

Mother: In Roco's school blazer pocket.

Cindy: Roco's pocket?

Now listen to the rest of the Songbirds drama episode and answer the following questions:

1. The practical joke that Roco played in class was in which lesson?

(a) Geography

(b) History

(c) Chemistry

(d) Biology

2. Answer true of false.

There was no relationship between the practical joke Roco played in class and the subject matter of the lesson.

A repeat of tonight's Songbirds can be heard on Saturday at 5.30pm on Radio 4.

You can also read the full script or listen to the programme again by visiting, clicking on Radio 4 and then clicking on Songbirds.

Answers: 1. a; 2. False: There was a relationship between the joke and the subject of the class - explosions.
