
The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters

The True and Outstanding Adventures of the Hunt Sisters

by Elisabeth Robinson

Simon & Schuster $145

Screenwriter Elisabeth Robinson (Braveheart, Last Orders) has caused a buzz with this novel, which is based on her experiences in Hollywood and the death of her sister from cancer. Written in the form of letters, faxes and e-mails, it tells the story of a hotshot Hollywood producer whose life crumbles around her. Olivia, who is trying to get a film version of Don Quixote made, writes tender missives home to her sister, Maddie, in Ohio, peevish messages to her scriptwriter, angry demands to her ex-boyfriend, Michael, and pretentious memos to stars such as Danny DeVito, John Cleese and Robin Williams, asking them to take part in her film. Her insights into the workings of Hollywood are often funny, but the epistolary structure is tiresome and one-sided because all the letters are from Olivia and we never get to see other points of view.
