
A Bus Could Run You Over

A Bus Could Run You Over

by Colin Butts

Orion $90

Expensive drugs, cheap sex, wild parties and murderous hangovers - what else would you expect from a holiday in Ibiza? Butts founded Tuesday Morning Publishing to release his first novel, Is Harry Still on the Boat?, a comedy about holiday reps in Ibiza. He sold 20,000 copies from his garage and launched a career as a cult novelist for twentysomething party animals. His latest paperback is also set in the world of Ibiza club reps, where his protagonists work for the holiday firm Young, Free and Single (YFS). The plot centres around a takeover bid by superclub The Monastery, which is trying to buy YFS or its rival, Club Wicked. Because the losing firm will go out of business, the two companies declare war on each other during the height of the summer season. Not as funny as his first book, but unexpectedly hard to put down.
