
Flora's back in style

Flora Wu

In a recent public appearance, fashion designer and dancer Flora Cheong-Leen (isn't that a lovely name?) wore a backless number so astonishing, the paparazzi and press were literally talking behind her back. Every time she turned back to face them, she was asked to turn around again.

'I designed it myself,' she tells CitySeen. 'It's georgette silk from India. I love shopping, but instead of buying clothes, I buy fabric and make my own stuff.'

When asked how she kept it a Category II outfit, she replied: 'It's a sash that's tied really, really tightly.'

According to the 40-something celebrity, she is very stingy and would never pay to join a gym or waste her money on body-slimming machines. 'I keep slim by going to my teacher's studio, Jean M. Wong's School of Ballet, to work out,' says Flora, 'She's the greatest. Without her support, I wouldn't be here today and I'd just feel ordinary.'

And have you seen her dance? It's far from ordinary.
