
Natalie scores a stunning 10 As

Name: Natalie Kwan Yuk-kei

Age: 16

School: French International School

Achievements: Natalie scored 10As in the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) exam in June, organised by the University of Cambridge for students aged 14 to 16. She got top marks in geography, English literature and Latin, beating students from around the world.

When asked about her goals, she said: 'Right now, I am concentrating on the International Baccalaureate exam [a pre-university diploma course] and trying to get the best results. I am taking both arts and science subjects and I still haven't made up my mind about what I will do in university.'

In her spare time Natalie plays the piano and sports. She likes British rock group InMe and local indie bands.

Parent: 'My husband and I never have to push Natalie to study. She takes the initiative,' said her mother. 'She manages her time well and is focused on what she does, and her teachers have worked hard to help her.'
