
Make your own newspaper

Anna Hestler

Publishing a newspaper involves more than just filling the pages. A paper needs to inform and entertain to keep the reader's attention.

But not all readers are the same. Some like to read every page; others just flip through until something catches their eye.

The bottom line is that you need to have something for everyone. Here are some of the things you can include.

News stories (about 500-800 words)

A newspaper has to have news: timely events or issues that people want to know about. A news story reports newsworthy information, but doesn't include the writer's opinion. For example, if your school is having an open day, a news story would announce where and when it is taking place and who is invited. News stories appear on the first two pages to grab the reader's attention.

Feature stories (about 1,000-2,500 words)

Some readers want more than just news. They want feature stories - in-depth articles about people, issues and events. Features can be about all kinds of topics such as travel, sport, health and fitness, food, and the arts.

For example, if your school is having a sports day, a feature could be written about one of the athletes.

Editorials (about 500 words)

The editorial page is where the paper's writers and readers get to express their opinions. It includes editorials, which are short articles that aim to persuade the reader to accept a point of view, as well as letters from readers to the editor. Some papers also have a political cartoon - a drawing that pokes fun or expresses an opinion about a news event or current topic.


Readers enjoy a good laugh, so it's worth having a comic strip in every issue. A comic strip is a form of storytelling, so it should include characters, a setting, conflict, and an ending. In a four-frame comic strip, the first frame sets the scene, the second and third show the action, and the last one delivers the punch-line, or ending.

Reviews (about 300 words)

A review is a combination of fact and opinion. It gives the reader details about new books, films, CDs, computer games, etc and a verdict on whether they're worth the time and money.

Columns (about 200 words)

A column is a short piece on a particular subject that appears in every issue and is written by the same writer. For example, if a newspaper has a column on computers, all the articles will be about technology, but the columnist could write about website design in one issue and computer magazines in another.

Announcements and classifieds (about 30 words)

At the end of the newspaper, you can include a section for notices and classifieds - short messages and advertisements that readers send in. These can include party announcements, club activities, things for sale and lost-and-found items.
