
Top tips

Home stager Barb Schwarz shares her secrets:

{bull}Make sure your home is clean (that means windows, too) and clutter-free.

{bull}Hire a stylist or designer to help you stage - they

will earn their fee many times over.

{bull}Rent a storage unit to get extra furniture and collections out of the house.

{bull}Keep magazines out of sight and books to a minimum.

{bull}Consider quick improvements such as painting a few walls, cleaning tiles and enamelling fixtures.

{bull}No fuzzy rugs or coverlets in the bathroom.

{bull}Keep kitchen counters as empty as possible.

{bull}Bedlinen should be clean and pressed.

{bull}Lighting is important - keep it bright and soft (fluorescent lights are

a no-no).

{bull}Bring nature indoors. 'Green is a healing colour that people respond to.'
