
Language point

Residents of this remote village founded by runaway slaves have languished on the fringes of Brazilian society.

Prepositions are often used in phrases to express particular meanings, like on the fringes, which means

the edges of a place. The preposition 'on' can be used in other ways.

For example, on the verge of something means something is going to happen, and someone who is on the brink of something means that person is about to experience something.

Can you think of the right expressions to complete the following sentences?

She was _______ collapse after hearing the sad news.

More tourists have flocked to Hong Kong ______ the overseas promotional campaign.

The country's largest political party is _____ power following its success in the election.

Answers: 1. on the brink of ; 2. in the wake of; 3. on the verge of
