
The correct way to reject an offer

RECEIVING A JOB offer is not always good news - especially if you have no intention of accepting. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to know how to turn down the offer in the right way.

The industry you work in, or want to break into, may well be a small village where everyone knows each other. Therefore, when rejecting any offer, do it politely and with tact.

The last thing you want is to burn bridges. Word can travel quickly and you never know when paths with a company or certain individuals may cross again.

Respond to all the offers you get. Acknowledge them and decline immediately if you're certain the job is not right for you.

If you're not sure or are waiting for a better offer, let the company know you need a day or two to think it over, and get back to them within your self-imposed deadline.

Do not mislead hiring managers about your intentions - they will remember.

Be clear in declining the offer. Recruiters appreciate this, since it allows them to move on to considering other candidates. Also, by respecting their time and effort, you will leave the door open for future opportunities.

Even if the remuneration package is your reason for rejecting the job, never mention it. Don't refer to the numbers or specify your reasons if they relate to the money.

Start to negotiate for something higher only when you are genuinely interested in the position.

Make sure you give every offer full consideration. At first glance, a position might seem too junior for you, but consider the company's training programme and the prospects for fast-track promotions. Weigh up your short- and long-term goals.

It is not always easy, but try to maintain contact with employers you turned down. Regard them as business contacts who you may be dealing with in the future.

Other openings will arise and may be just what you're looking for later in your career.

If you have remained on a shortlist of people who are held in good standing, the employer may well give you a call.
