
23 Days in July, A Significant Other

Tim Cribb

23 Days in July

by John Wilcockson

John Murray $120

A Significant Other

by Matt Rendell

Phoenix $120

More than a dozen books are available about cyclist Lance Armstrong and how he overcame testicular cancer to win an unprecedented sixth Tour de France last year. In 23 Days in July, John Wilcockson goes inside the Armstrong camp to report on that historic win. Matt Rendell uses A Significant Other to tell, with Armstrong, the story of teammate Victor Pe?a during the Centenary Tour de France in 2003, and how every win is a collective victory. Both journalists analyse how competitive cycling has become, particularly as the television appetite for all sport declines. Neither writer spends much time on China, with its more than 400 million bicycles, often touted as the next, big market. Armstrong is an active promoter on the mainland. Interest is growing in road racing and track cycling, particularly ahead of the 2008 Beijing Games. However, the bicycle is largely a mode of transport and the sport is still in its infancy.
