
Nicky Wu talks about dream lady

TEENAGE heart-throb Nicky Wu Chi-lung dated his first girlfriend when he was 12 but it was only three years later that he finally managed to hold her hand! ''When we crossed the street, I told her to watch out for traffic and took the chance to grab her hand. I was so excited, it was our first formal date,'' Wu said on Hit Radio recently.

However, the singer regretted he did not seize the golden opportunity to kiss her.

During the two-hour programme, Wu also chatted about the woman of his dreams.

''I like independent, nice and smart girls. However, my busy schedule can only allow me to see my mum only once or twice a month, so I guess I can only see my girlfriend twice a year,'' he said.

''She must be mature and independent enough to tolerate loneliness.'' Wu thinks the ideal age for marriage is 35. ''Some people asked me if I would fall in love with my fans and I told them it's hard to tell; I leave it to destiny.'' Wu's fans should not only be ''independent, nice and smart'', they should also study hard and do well in school.

''I don't want my fans to skip school because of me,'' Wu said.

The singer is currently attending university in Taiwan, majoring in Physical Education. He is also tutoring younger students.

Wu was recently cast in a movie as the love interest of Sylvia Chang, a role which raised eyebrows because he is much younger than Chang.

When asked if the new film contains any love scenes, Wu said there would only be one scene in which he kissed Chang on the cheek.

The film is not Wu's acting debut. Four years ago, he was a stuntman in a film, sharing the screen with a snake.

The heart-throb's photo-biography will be published at the end of this month.
