
Bright sparks

Jin Peh

Fire careers can be divided into three groups, the first being technical jobs in which fire plays a major part: those concerned with manufacturing explosives, chemicals and flammable substances, electronics, lighting, repairs, assembly and refining. The next group of fire careers covers the service industry: jobs associated with cooking and spas that offer saunas and hot springs. Finally, fire is also linked with occupations that emphasise appearance and expression: those in beauty parlours, advertising, design, interior decoration, photography and performance (acting, entertainment), and jobs that involve public speaking.

In the cycle of birth, fire is kindled by wood. Those involved in fire careers should have business cards with appropriate colours: red, orange, pink or purple for fire; or green for wood. Water colours (black and all shades of blue) should be avoided, as should those that represent the earth (yellow, shades of brown, beige and cream). Metal colours (white, gold, silver, grey) are also not recommended because fire melts metal, suggesting conflict.

With these principles in mind, it becomes obvious why the predominant colour scheme in traditional Chinese restaurants is red and why the furniture is often wooden.
