
Real-life survivor tells all

Lost is not just a hit TV series. It's something Yossi Ghinsberg lived through. As a young man, he survived 20 days alone in the Amazon after separating from his friends and that remarkable tale is now chronicled in one episode of a new Discovery Channel series, I Shouldn't Be Alive, which debuts tonight. The experience has clearly transformed Ghinsberg, in Hong Kong on Friday to plug the 10-part series, into a placid man of zen.

'Fear is my friend,' he says. 'I embrace fear because if I run from it, it follows me. But if I confront fear, it goes away.

'The turning point for me was after about five days without eating. I climbed a tree to get some berries. It turns out there was a venomous snake in the tree and the 'fight or flight' reflex hit me. I attacked the snake with a branch, killed it and just ate it raw. At that point, I felt like I could do anything.'

A new life also happened to be on Ghinsberg's mind during the Hong Kong promotion trip. He said he was anxious to fly home to Australia as his wife was expecting over the weekend.

Additional reporting by Jasmine Wang
