
Safe combinations

Jin Peh

The number nine suggests a sense of completion or sufficiency - the idea that one will have enough. Depending on the numbers that follow, this can either be auspicious or inauspicious. Classical fung shui masters view nine as the number of celebrations but are aware it also represents fire, with an excess of it resulting in fire outbreaks.

Having completed this basic outline of fung shui numerology, the significance behind certain combinations can now be seen. Thirty-four suggests birth followed by loss, 44 would be double death, 64 the road to demise and 84 good fortune followed by catastrophe. Conversely, 168 means that one would be on the road to success, 368 denotes that one would be born on the road to success and 128 implies that one will easily attain wealth and good fortune. The dreaded 444 triples the probability of demise, while the highly sought after 888 triples one's happiness and luck. However, the number preceding the subsequent number can bring about the opposite effect: while 54 denotes one will not sustain any losses, 58 implies one will have not any good luck.

Perhaps the best way to circumnavigate the minefield of Chinese numerological combinations is to have a native Cantonese speaker close by.
