

After all that we've been through, Michael decides to break up with me.

Sarah, there's Emily.

Are you okay?

It's over. I'm heartbroken.

Emily, I know you're going through a hard time, but try to think positive.

Paul's right. You'll find a nicer boy soon.

Yes, you're pretty, intelligent and honest. I'm sure you'll find a great guy.

I don't want another boyfriend. I just want friends like you.

Language points

1. After all that we've been through

after all the ups and downs two people have experienced

Eg. I can't believe she did that to me after all that we've been through.

2. heartbroken

very sad and deeply disappointed

Eg. Mary was heartbroken when her puppy died.

3. think positive

remain optimistic, look on the bright side, be confident (especially when faced with difficulties)

Eg. My teacher always reminds me to think positive.


Have you ever been in a relationship? What do you think are the elements of a healthy relationship? How do you strike a balance between study and dating?
