
Put your brain to the test

Are you ready for a challenge? Do you want to win a great prize? Join the Brain Game. The new round will start at the end of April.

The Game: Ten shortlisted participants will answer an open-ended question each week on a wide range of topics. Readers will vote one person out each week (like they do on Survivor).

The two finalists will battle it out in the Great Debate (this is a chance to test your debating skills, like Annie and Kevin do in Face Off).

You must be: aged between 14 and 17 and a full-time student in Hong Kong.

What you need to do: Come to the South China Morning Post to have your photo taken and you will be given a week to answer a list of questions.

To enter: Send an e-mail to [email protected] with your name, age, school and telephone number.
