
Melting pot of cultures

The growth in Chengdu's foreign population and their desire to stay and help build this city is evident in the establishments going up around town.

The Americans were first, and the oldest bars and coffee houses reflect their taste for convenience and speed.

Since then, Nepali and Indian restaurants, European and Bohemian-style coffee houses and Korean barbecue joints have sprung up next to the hot pot palaces, giving locals and new arrivals more to choose from.

The largest concentration of foreigners is found between the First and Second Ring Roads on the south side of town.

On Renmin South Avenue you will find the Reggae Bar, Carol's Club and the Shamrock Irish pub on the east side of the street, with Joyce's BBQ and Grandma's Kitchen on the west side.

Just before the Second Ring Road is Consulate Road, which cuts east-west to Ke Hua Road North, which has Sabrina's grocery, another Grandma's, the Slow Boat coffee house and the Roma restaurant, to name a few.

Further south in Ke Hua Road is the infamous Roo Bar and a newly built French-style wine bar.

And if this isn't enough for you, there are certain to be more foreign-domestic fusion projects under way in Chengdu soon.
