
Family harmony can help ease study pressure

School work is the biggest problem for today's teenagers. Apart from having to cope with revision and homework, some of us attend tuition classes or music lessons. Form Five students have extra pressure from the HKCEE.

Family relationships are also deteriorating because parents have no time to communicate with their children. Teenage suicides and drug addiction among young people are on the rise.

The government should put more emphasis on teaching moral values to students. Parents should also realise the importance of family harmony and spend more time with their children.


Leung Shek Chee College

Adolescence is a difficult time of life, Fanny. So much is changing within you as you grow up, and you are under pressure at school to get good marks and fit in with your peers.

I know some parents do not have much time to spend with their children, and I agree this is a growing concern, but they work hard so they can earn money to look after you and give you a good education. Also, some parents aren't aware that their children want to spend time with them - so if you do, tell them so and arrange a time on the weekend where you can sit down and chat.

You could also try talking to a teacher that you get on well with and respect. Having an adult to speak to can be very stabilising and helpful.

Victoria, Sub-Editor
