
Music to your, er, ears?

Congratulations to Ondo Creation on winning a major international industrial design award. What, you have never heard of it? Neither have we, until now. The Hong Kong-based company is 'a designer condom company and the world's first award-winning music condom manufacturer'.

Its condom brand is called ondomusic, described as 'the intimate music of love'. Since the products can't be battery-operated, we were intrigued. It must be some hi-tech stuff, since it's associated with the Hong Kong Science and Technology Park. Could it be singing contraceptives run by electricity generated by friction? Would the music tempo change from gentle touching to passionate engagement?

'Actually we package our condoms with hip music CDs,' a company spokeswoman told a disappointed LoDown. 'That way, people won't feel embarrassed because they can say, 'Oh, I am just buying CDs.'

She added: 'The condoms come with different flavours, to make them more attractive to end users.' End users?
