
It's a stupid world as bumasaurs threaten humans

John Millen

Just Stupid/Bumageddon

By Andy Griffiths

ISBN 0 330 39726 5 ISBN 0 330 43370 9

Published by Macmillan

Let's forget 'serious' for the moment and have a look at something 'stupid'. Andy Griffiths is a top-selling author who knows all about everything stupid.

Just Stupid! is a collection of larger-than-life, exaggerated stories that will make your toes curl with embarrassment and your face crack with laughter.

Griffiths takes 'stupid' to new heights in another novel - Bumageddon ... The Final Pongflict.

This is the third adventure of Zack Freeman and his heroic bottom. The world is in danger of being overrun by killer bumasaurs from six million years ago and it's up to Zack's bottom to save us all.

Bumageddon contains every crude pun and joke ever thought up - and more. It will have you either laughing like a drain or howling in disgust.
