
Office Yoga: The half lotus and the hand to feet poses

This week we will introduce two forward-bending poses which create a soothing effect on our nervous system and raise a deeper internal awareness. Most office workers feel tight in their hamstrings, hips and lower back as a result of long hours of sitting, which slows down blood circulation in these muscles. Today's poses are excellent in stretching out these body parts.

Movements demonstrated by Maria Chan, certified yoga and Pilates instructor

1 Sit upright on the edge of a chair. Cross your left leg over your right so that the outside of your left ankle bone is just above your right knee cap. Place your hands on your hip bones.

2 Lean your upper body forward from your hips. Your body should be at a 45-degree angle. Reduce the angle of the movement if you feel your lower back muscles are getting tight and tense. Keep your back straight and neck elongated. Stay in the pose for five deep breaths and repeat on the other side.

Tip Many people bend forward from the waist and stretch their lower back when doing this pose, but it is important that you bend forward from your hips and not from your waist. This will help lengthen your spine.

1 Stretch one leg out on a box for support and bend the other leg at 90 degrees. Adjust your hips to align in the same direction as the straight leg.

2 Bend forward from your hips and place both hands on your extended leg. Keep your chest up and back straight. You should feel a good stretch in the hamstrings of your extended leg. Stay in this position for five deep breaths.

3 Bend your upper body forward, reach out your arms and hold the foot of the extended leg with both hands. Your hands can hold on to your knee, shin or ankle depending on the flexibility of your body. Close your eyes and stay in this position for five deep breaths. Repeat on the other side.

Tip If you feel your extended leg is shaking during the stretch, bend your knees slightly. A shaking leg indicates that the muscles are overstretched.

The Office Yoga series has come to an end. Job Coach will return next week.
