
Shared values help ensure staff retention

Emphasising shared values helps retain staff who are looking for fulfilment beyond financial reward.

Values - corporate or personal - are vital because they drive behaviour, attitudes and motivation, and define what is right, good or desirable.

While communicating a brand's values to consumers can help sell products, it is equally important to have a workforce that believes in and stands behind the brand.

Companies should define their values and communicate them to their employees at the earliest stage to ensure that they stay with the company.

This employer-employee value partnership at insurance company AXA begins at the interview stage, according to Ellen So, head of human resources.

She directs her interviewers to inform candidates about how the company's values improve the working environment and enable AXA to sustain business growth.

'I also encourage potential employees to learn more about the guiding principles that define the kind of employer we aspire to be and the kind of employment experience we strive to provide.

'This enables candidates to contemplate a long-term career with AXA instead of simply focusing on short-term remuneration,' said Ms So, who felt a work environment must enable employees to adhere to the basic convictions that underlie what was important to them and motivated them in their work. 'There must be an alignment between company and personal values or the partnership will not be happy and mutually fulfilling.'

An 'employee value proposition' has been developed to help portray the company's vision, values and goals to employees. The programme aims to connect the organisation to these common targets through day-to-day functions.

'The primary aim is to move away from the 'It's just a job' mindset to a more personal connection to a shared goal,' she said.

The values AXA communicates to prospective and existing employees are professionalism, innovation, pragmatism, team spirit and integrity. Employees are expected to live up to their side of the bargain by performing to high standards, delivering on commitments, respecting others and sharing information.

'Ultimately, they must excel, learn and act in line with AXA values,' she said.

Building collective success around a satisfying relationship between the company and staff is at the heart of the programme. In this relationship, employees vow to contribute to the company goal, while management promises to provide sufficient support to enable employees to fulfil their personal aims. This joint agreement is integrated into the performance management process sealing the deal for both sides.

Ms So found that in promoting values through the EVP staff members' daily efforts had a deeper meaning and created an emotional bond with the company to foster commitment.

Getting there

Communication company's values should be communicated to candidates during the interview process to aid recruitment

Connection existing staff should have opportunities to develop a personal connection to the company's values and a shared goal

Commitment alignment between personal and company values fosters commitment and can lead to increased staff retention

Contribution employees contribute to the company's goals while the company supports employees' personal aims. The agreement is tied to the performance management process
