
Vox Pop

Wong Yat-Hei

The Legislative Council passed a HK$5.3 billion budget last month to raise the salaries of civil servants by 5 per cent. The Employers' Federation of Hong Kong thinks the increase is too high and gives employees in the private sector unrealistic hopes for pay rises. Classified Post asked for comments from people on this issue.

'I received a pay rise of about 6 per cent this year. I had not had a pay rise in the past two years so this is less than I expected. I was hoping for something like a 10 per cent increase but this is better than nothing.' Tong Man-fung, information technology

'I am going to receive a 10 per cent pay rise next month. I did not expect such a huge raise just one month into the job. I think it is very encouraging for me as a fresh graduate in my first job. This is my first pay rise and I am very satisfied with it.'

Wong Wing-yin, banking

'I have not had a pay rise in four years and I don't see one coming in the near future. The overall scene for the industry is not that bright. I think my salary is a little low and I am looking forward to a 4 to 6 per cent increase if there is a chance.' Jalan Chen, design

'I am going to be promoted next month and will have a 4 per cent pay rise. However I think it is too low. I work in a highly professional field and I think a 10 per cent raise would be more reasonable. The current salaries in our field are just too low.' Christopher Sin, insurance
