
Smile and the whole world smiles with you

If you want to make more friends, I suggest joining a school club and taking part in the activities they organise.

It's easier to make friends when you're part of a club because people tend to work together to get the job done. It is working together like this that improves our friendships.

Keeping a smile on your face is another way to attract friends. Most people are drawn to those who smile and look happy.

And try not to feel shy. Believe that you can make friends easily and you will.


Pooi To Middle School

Thanks for your letter, Regina. Next month you will be going back to school and for a lot of students that means meeting new teachers and classmates. It can be scary meeting a roomful of new people. The good news is that the other students in the class will most likely be in the same situation as you. Have the courage to make the first move - smile and introduce yourself. If you're not sure what to say, ask the other person about themselves. People are often happy to talk about themselves.

Joining a club is a great suggestion. If you have a common interest with people, it's much easier to make friends with them.

Remember, strangers aren't strange - they are just people that you haven't met yet.

Kate, Editor
