
Find your favourite way to de-stress

Adults spend most of their time at work while students focus their attention on their studies and extra-curricular activities. What do we want to achieve?

It's simple. Adults want to make more money to improve their living standards, and students want to get good exam results.

But health is more important than money or studies. If we work too hard and fall ill, we may not be able to enjoy the fruits of our hard work.

We should take care of our health. Get enough rest, enjoy family life and have a balanced diet. Then we can have a healthy body and a wonderful life.


Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Kwai Chung) Thanks for your letter, Fuk-yuen - that's very good advice. Everyone - the young and old alike - needs to take care of their health.

There is an increasing body of evidence that suggests that many diseases are caused by stress. Even the word 'disease' is said to come from the two words 'dis' and 'ease' (meaning the body is not at ease, it is stressed).

There are many ways to relax. For some people exercise is a great way of de-stressing - I find that burning off loads of energy leaves me feeling relaxed. Others prefer more solitary

de-stress time - such as listening to music or having a bath. And then there are those who relax by hanging out with friends and partying.

Make sure you take time out to relax.

Kate, Editor
