
Understanding yourself key to success

I am Form Five student. This year, I will sit my HKCEE, but I didn't think I was nervous about it.

One day, my English teacher asked us if we were stressed. Only a few students said they were not.

But when the teacher listed 10 symptoms of stress, including insomnia, headache, fatigue, poor memory and loss of appetite, I was shocked to realise I had half the symptoms.

I hadn't thought about how I really felt about the exams. After our teacher talked about stress, I realised I was, in fact, very nervous.

Clearly I don't understand myself very well.

Vicky Tong, Shun Lee Catholic Secondary School

From the Editor

Thanks for your letter, Vicky. You've learned a really important lesson - and thanks for sharing it.

Learning to understand yourself - how you think, feel and respond in particular situations - is one of life's great lessons. Some people go through their whole life without ever really understanding themselves. You, however, are already on the road to understanding yourself.

When you understand how you react in certain stressful situations, you will be better prepared to take care of yourself - and not let those situations affect you negatively.

This is a lesson that will not only get you through your HKCEE - it will be useful throughout your life.

Kate, Editor
