
Vox Pop

Grace Wu

Women today face the dual challenges of juggling between work and home responsibilities. Having children means the juggle is even more difficult. Classified Post meets three working mothers and a daughter, who all agree that life for them is tough, but they share different views on the issue of offering special arrangements.

'The life of a working mother is not easy as they are always busy. Employers should consider offering flexible hours and a five-day week. I also suggest human resources departments organise parents' groups so that working mothers can get together. That will save much of their time amidst their busy schedule.' Wing Tsang, human resources

'As a mother of three I have to be a good time planner and accept that looking after children may cause a time clash with other parts of my life. I now work part-time and I hope that other working mothers can be given advanced notice when asked to go back to the office and be allowed to submit work through e-mail.' Martha Lee, web-editing

'Being a working mother is tough. They suffer stress which may affect their health. They can have domestic helpers but may worry about negligence. It is difficult to provide special work arrangements for working mothers as these may seem unfair to colleagues.' Wing To, nursing

'My mother works long hours and although my sisters and I are now adults, she still spends time taking care of us. Working mothers of smaller children have tougher lives. It is important for employers to understand their situation and they should offer support.' Carol Chan, education
