
English in press release stands out like merged rail service's uniforms

The new uniforms for the merged MTR and KCR operation aim to make rail workers highly visible so passengers rushing into crowded trains can't ignore them. The press release in English announcing the uniform designs was also full of sentences that could not easily be ignored. Here are the first two paragraphs, from the city's soon-to-be largest rail service, one that has been at the forefront of bilingual services. I swear I didn't change a word. 'To rich shades of navy blue, khaki and with highlights of yellow, staff of Hong Kong's future merged railway supported by professional models stepped out in style today to give commuters their first glance at the new uniforms designed by Hong Kong fashion guru William Tang.

'What was unveiled today was a sharp look that stands out on the platform or the concourse. The uniforms of the public-facing railway operations staff will easily catch the eye of the millions of people who take trains every day, achieved by a clever interplay of yellow with base colours that project a friendly, approachable demeanour.'

Is the city's English language standard in decline? What standard?
