
Test the water

Jin Peh

Water-related companies can be broken down into three main groups. The first consists of companies in which water is directly involved, such as laundromats and drinks companies.

The second group encompasses those associated with movement, such as shipping firms, travel agencies and relocation companies. The water element represents communication and intelligence, so public relations companies, marketing firms and media outlets make up the final group of water companies.

In the cycle of birth, water is produced by metal. Hence, when designing the logo of water companies, colours representing water (black or blue) and metal (white, silver and grey) can be used. Wavy patterns, and ovals and circles are suitable. Water is destroyed by earth, so it is not advisable to use yellow, beige or brown or squares in a water-related company's logo.

Wood is produced by water, so its energy and essence is reduced. Therefore, green and rectangular shapes should not be used. Although water overwhelms fire, it is ultimately exhausted by it. Using fire-related colours (red, orange, purple and pink) and triangles in the logo may result in success achieved only through considerable effort.
