
Catching the Big Fish

Catching the Big Fish

by David Lynch

Tarcher, HK$104

David Lynch's films can be frustrating, weird, inaccessible and open to interpretation. The same is true of Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity, a curious self-help book that delves into his creative channel: transcendental meditation (TM). A proponent of the technique developed by the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (for whom the Beatles said 'Om'), Lynch fills his book with aphorisms, anecdotes and explanation. But readers may not gain a better understanding of him. Some may even think him more bizarre for spending hours seeking the light apparently achievable through TM but then producing work shades blacker than dark. 'Little fish swim on the surface, but the big ones swim down below,' he writes. 'If you can expand the container you're fishing in - your consciousness - you can catch bigger fish.' So far so normal. Several chapters later, however, he confesses to being drawn to rotting bodies because of their 'texture'. Whether or not Lynch is serious, his seeming sincerity saves his book from the scrap heap. That doesn't mean readers won't want to strangle him. He is especially infuriating when he reveals a sentence from the Bible brought about an epiphany. What was it? He teases: 'I don't think I'll ever say.'
