
The white stuff

You might think corn is just yummy to eat, but it has lots of other interesting uses - and a trip to the movies wouldn't be the same without popcorn munch on

Corn used to only grow in central and south America. It was used as food for people and animals. These days we use it for many other things.


Corn is a cereal, not a vegetable. It is related to sugar cane. The part we eat is the seeds of the grass. In other parts of the world it is known maize or mealies.

Lovely colours

Mostly we think of corn as being golden or white in colour. But this is because humans have farmed it to be like this. Natural corn can also be blue, red or black. There can be different colours of kernels on one cob. This is because each kernel has its own genes, which can differ from those of other kernels.


Corn is the main food in many areas of the world, especially in Africa. But it is used to make many other things, like plastic and fuel.

Parts of the plant

A corn plant has different parts. The bamboo-like stem is called the stalk. Corn seeds, called kernels, grow on cobs. The kernels are protected by thick leaves known as husks. The kernels, husks, and cobs are known as ears. Usually one plant has only one ear of corn. At the top of the ear is a silky tassel.


Going to a movie wouldn't be the same without popcorn. The ancient Americans believed each kernel of popcorn contained a ghost. This ghost was released when the seed was heated. Nowadays we know the corn pops because the water inside it heats up and expands, bursting out of the shell. The insides puff up and give us the fluffy corn. Kernels which do not pop are called old maids.

now do this

1 What did ancient Americans think was inside popcorn?

a. cotton

b. a ghost

c. butterflies

2 Where was corn originally from?

a. Africa

b. America

c. Asia

3 What do we call corn seeds?

a. ears

b. husks

c. kernels


1. b, 2. b, 3. c
