
Designer's heart goes out to the many women in his life

Designer Alan Chan Yau-kin (below) sold his heart to a woman for HK$12,000. It was an acrylic heart-shaped butterfly he made for Replay's charity auction party for the Children's Heart Foundation on Thursday at the Wan Chai restaurant The Pawn. Two other local artisans also took part - Stanley Wong Ping-pui a.k.a Anothermoutainman and G.O.D's Douglas Young - with each creating an original artistic item and detailing a pair of men's and women's jeans. While those two left shortly after the reception, Chan hung around the whole night. Perhaps that's why his works sold for the highest prices. The truth is, he liked the butterfly heart so much, he made 100 of them using different material, even though Replay only commissioned one.

'Each heart represents how I feel about a woman I know,' Chan said. 'Women are very unpredictable creatures, so it's hard to describe them using only one material, so I used multiple textures to depict their personalities. In the future, I'm going to engrave the name of each woman who has inspired me on them.'

We wonder how Chan's wife feels about him having 99 other female inspirations. Regardless, the evening might be another excuse for a party and some token fund-raising, but it's a cause close to Replay's own heart, as its Italian founder, Claudio Buziol, died of heart disease. The event also served to kick off the Business of Design Week's Detour programme. As for Chan, he might have also made two pairs of unique dungarees, but just don't expect him to wear them. 'I can't wear jeans. I wish I could but they just don't look flattering on me.'
